Mobile Websites
With around 25% of all the search traffic to our web servers now coming from mobile devices it’s becoming more and more important to ensure your website sends the right
message to mobile users. In the worst cases your current website could be totally useless on a mobile device, at best it maybe clunky and fiddly to use on a phone
or tablet as the website was not designed for such a small screen or a touch screen input device. The user will often need to constantly zoom in and out to read text
and click on links.
Find out what your website looks like on a mobile
See some good and bad examples of mobile websites and test your own here.
A key indicator to see if you need a mobile website is to examine your current website
statistic. Apps like Google Analytics, or your site logs will be able to show you
the number of users visiting your site from mobile devices. The first thing to look
for is the number of users from mobile devices as compared to a desktop machine.
A figure of around 25% is what we are currently experience across our clients web
sites, which is defiantly high enough to worry about that market share. The second
thing to look for is the number of page views/visit from mobile devices compared
to standard devices. If the numbers are vastly different, say 20 pages views per
visit from a standard browser and 5 from mobile devices then it’s a clear indicator
that your current website does not perform well on mobile devices as users leave
the site 4 times earlier than non mobile users.
Our mobile websites create the best possible experience for your mobile customers
by presenting your information/products in a manner that works with the mobile phone/tablet rather than against it.
We've listed a few sites below to show you an example of what we mean, and of course if you are currently on your mobile you should be seeing our mobile website!