E-commerce Websites
E-commerce… probably the biggest single cause of the internet Boom or Bust
ideology that ultimately led to the demise of many of the "bigger and better"
e-commerce websites.
Custom coded product and content Databases, custom coded display and content management, and strong
design, allows your products to be displayed how they look best, not how a 3rd party products thinks that's how products should be displayed.
Strong interface design and understanding or interactivity and usability have to
combine to produce a website that not only "looks" like what your target
audience wants, but also "behaves" how the target audience wants. There is
nothing more off-putting to a beginner than an overly complex website, but
there's also nothing more frustrating for an experienced user than a site than lacks advanced functionality…
Integration with current order processing, sales, and marketing systems makes
sites much less manpower intensive.. if order's can be handled automatically then less time is needed to fulfil those orders.
Some examples of E-Commerce websites we have created can be found below